We recently had a patient tell us that he has gotten great benefits from programs available at the Steadward Centre!
We think many patients could benefit from some of the services offered there.
Mark has experienced great success with the 1:1 Training Program which he has 2 times per week. The cost of this program is $325 for 10 sessions.
I'm a firm believer that the Steadward Center is keeping me out of a wheelchair
The Steadward Centre offers many other great programs such as PALS (Physical Activity Led by Student), FES (Functional Electrical Stimulation), Group classes, and the option to simply buy a membership to use the gym (which has equipment modified to accomodate a wide array of disabilities) at your own pace.
The programs follow the same schedule as University semesters. Registration for the winter programs opens on November 27th. Parking passes are available for $90 per semester and there is plenty of handicap parking available.